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Identifying Political Popery:
A Decade of Reflection
by Daniel Newby,
November 24, 2005
Updated on February 23, 2006

"Persecution is
not an original feature in any religion; but it is
always the strongly-marked feature of all law-religions,
or religions established by law. Take away the
law-establishment, and every religion reassumes its
original benignity." Thomas Paine,
Rights of Man
Summary: It is crucial for the sovereign
citizen to realize the dangers of surrendering his relationship with
his Creator to leaders of organized
religions. While this article highlights disturbing
trends within the LDS church, they are hardly isolated to one
denomination. The basic goodness inherent in men and
women is under assault by the very organizations that claim to
watch over them.
Note: This more in-depth article was
precipitated by an earlier e-mail sent out to activists in
Utah. Many have requested additional evidence and
information to assist them in formulating their own opinions,
and in speaking with others about these subjects.
1. Religious
Operatives Conspiring with Politicians
2. Calling Evil
Men Good
the "Goodness" of Michael O. Leavitt
Globalist Jon Huntsman Jr.
Ceremonies for Communist Spy Armand Hammer
3. Succoring Barbaric
"Unsanctioned" Pressure for China's MFN Status
Victims in the Name of Profit
4. Sidestepping Accountability via Corporate
Cognitive Distance
Practices Versus Pulpit Speeches
Solution: Hold ALL Men Equally Accountable
Addendum: Supporting
Thought Crimes Quietly
New for 1/6/05:
Addendum 2: Public Sponsorship of Gun
1. Religious
Operatives Conspiring with Politicians
Political popery refers to acts
undertaken by religious officials who,
at whatever cost to the freedom of others,
use their influence to ingratiate
themselves with eager politicians for the goal of obtaining
special dispensations and privileges
the ultimate objective being to
establish a political-religious empire that eventually equals
or usurps the power of an increasingly oppressive
In our day and age, any religious leader
seriously interested in gaining undue access and power must inevitably turn to
government to accomplish his designs. Recently, U.S. senator Robert ("Bob") Bennett
of Utah, at the behest of lobbyists representing his church,
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Mormons" or
"LDS"), inserted an amendment at the end of the following
federal statute (bold and bold caps added; my comments in bold
red brackets):
> CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER II > Part VIII > § 1324
Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
(a) Criminal penalties
(A) Any person who
(i) knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts
to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such
person at a place other than a designated port of entry or
place other than as designated by the Commissioner,
regardless of whether such alien has received prior official
authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United
States and regardless of any future official action which
may be taken with respect to such alien;
(ii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an
alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States
in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to
transport or move such alien within the United States by
means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such
violation of law;
(iii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an
alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States
in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from
detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from
detection, such alien in any place, including any building
or any means of transportation;
(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter,
or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless
disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or
residence is or will be in violation of law; or
[Under Bennett's amendment below,
religious leaders are now exempted from these portions I
bolded in clauses ii, iii, and iv]
(I) engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding
acts, or
(II) aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding
shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).
(B) A person who violates subparagraph (A) shall, for each
alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs
(i) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i) or (v)(I)
or in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii),
(iii), or (iv) in which the offense was done for the purpose
of commercial advantage or private financial gain, be fined
under title 18, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both;
(ii) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii),
(iii), (iv), or (v)(II), be fined under title 18, imprisoned
not more than 5 years, or both;
(iii) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) during and in relation to which
the person causes serious bodily injury (as defined in
section 1365 of title 18) to, or places in jeopardy the life
of, any person, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more
than 20 years, or both; and
(iv) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) resulting in the death of any
person, be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of
years or for life, fined under title 18, or both.
[Bennett's amendment is inserted here, beginning with the
following extraneous verbiage: "SEC. Section 274(a)(1)
of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324(a)(1))
is amended by adding at the end the following:")]
(C) It is not a violation of clauses (ii) or (iii) of
subparagraph (A), or of clause (iv) of subparagraph (A)
except where a person encourages or induces an alien TO
COME TO OR ENTER the United States [In
other words, if a religious leaders does not encourage or
induce aliens to come here illegally, he/she is otherwise
exempt from clauses ii, iii, and iv, which are bolded
above.], for a religious denomination
having a bona fide nonprofit, religious organization in the
United States, or the agents or officers of such
denomination or organization, to encourage, invite, call,
allow, or enable an alien who is present in the United
States to perform the vocation of a minister or missionary
for the denomination or organization in the United States as
a volunteer who is not compensated as an employee,
notwithstanding the provision of room, board, travel,
medical assistance, and other basic living expenses,
provided the minister or missionary has been a member of the
denomination for at least one year."
Source: To find Bennett's amendment on
Thomas.loc.gov, do the following:
1) Go to
2) In the "Enter Search" field, type "Page: S10270"
3) Click on the first search result displayed (the only
exact match).
3) Scroll down to "Page: S10270" and click on it.
Bennett's amendment is toward the top.
See the
old code before Bennett amended it. I merely plugged this new
amendment in.
Excerpts from Congressman Tom Tancredo's
website adequately summarize the impact of Bennett's
amendment [bold and caps added]:
Religious Groups Hiding Terrorists, II
11/15/05 2:03 pm
As we mentioned yesterday, a provision snuck into the ag
approps bill allows religious groups to "conceal, harbor, or
shield" illegal aliens from detection so long as the groups
"encourage" or "enable" the illegal to be a minister or
Bennett's Spin 11/15/05 2:03 pm
Senator Bennett, the Senate Ag Chairman who inserted the
provision, spun it around:
"It does not under any circumstances allow a
terrorist or any illegal alien any kind of special
sanctuary," Bennett said Monday. Church volunteers who are
illegal immigrants could still face legal action, he said.
Bennett said that he inserted the
provision at the behest of lobbyists for the Latter Day
Saints, which claims to have the most foreign
proselytizers in the U.S. of any religion. A lawyer for
the church continued the spin:
"This narrow exception to the immigration
act allows people of all faiths to fulfill their religious
obligations," [Mormon lawyer] Purdy said.
Asked if a church might be protected if it
housed illegal immigrants, he said, "No, I don't think so."
He said the law does not protect religious groups acting as
fronts for terrorists.
Quick Rebuttal 11/15/05 2:03 pm
"I don't think so" sounds a lot like "I'm not sure."
Let's not take a lobbyist's word for it; let's look at what
the legislation actually says.
A quick rebuttal to Mr. Purdy: the amendment
says, specifically, religious organizations may provide
"room, board, travel, medical assistance, and other basic
living expenses" to illegal aliens.
A quick rebuttal to Senator Bennett: His
amendment obviously does provide special sanctuary to
illegal aliens who are associated with religious
organizations, because it allows those organizations to help
aliens break U.S. law. For the terrorist connection, read
The Terrorist Connection In Depth
11/15/05 2:03 pm
Here's the in depth look: Bennett's amendment in effect
strikes parts of three paragraphs in Title 8, Section 1324
of U.S. Code. That's the section of federal law titled
"Bringing in and harboring certain aliens."
If you claim to be a religious
organization, now you can:
"transport[], or move[]" illegal aliens across the country
(subparagraph ii)
"encourage[] or induce[] an alien... to reside in the United
States" (subparagraph iv)
[My Note: Again, according to my read of
this subparagraph, religious leaders can encourage and
induce illegal aliens to stay in the U.S., but not to
initially come to the U.S. In my opinion, based upon
past experience, it will likely be a small difference in
actual application of the law.]
"conceal[], harbor[], or shield[] from detection" illegal
aliens (subparagraph iii)
That's right. Religious organizations can
conceal illegal aliens from ICE and other law enforcement
agencies, and they're now protected under federal law.
Additional stories verify LDS
official involvement in this scheme. From the Associated
Bennett said he added the
language to the farm bill after it was brought to his
attention by lawyers for the Mormon Church. The church uses
countless volunteers and was concerned it would be held
liable if one was found to be an illegal immigrant.
According to Bennett, the law
says that if an illegal immigrant volunteering for a church
is picked up for illegal activities or illegal status, the
church will not be held responsible.
"It does not in any way
provide sanctuary, nor does it provide immunity for the
church if the church gets involved in anything illegal
itself," Bennett said.
Source: "U.S.
congressman slams provision for churches where illegal
immigrants work," Jennifer Talhelm, writer,
Associated Press, 11/14/2005.
From the Salt Lake Tribune:
Bennett has said he included
the exemption for religious groups at the request of the The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints... LDS Church
spokesman Dale Bills said the church, like many faiths,
relies on volunteers to administer programs and the "narrow
exception to the immigration act allows people of all faiths
to fulfill their religious obligations.
"The law permits churches to
use the volunteer services of their undocumented members by
insulating the churches from criminal sanctions for doing
so," he said.
Specifically, the provision
states that it is not illegal for a religious organization
to "encourage, invite, call, allow or enable an alien who is
present in the United States to perform the vocation of
minister or missionary" as long as the individual is not
compensated beyond room, board, travel, medical assistance
or living expenses.
Source: "Churches'
volunteers exemption under fire," Robert Gehrke, Salt
Lake Tribune, 11/17/2005
From the Denver Post:
Written by Sen. Robert
Bennett, R-Utah, the provision shields religious groups from
a federal law against knowingly transporting, concealing,
harboring or shielding an illegal immigrant... Bennett wrote
the provision at the behest of attorneys for the Mormon
Church, which, according to Bennett, uses the largest number
of volunteers of any U.S. religious group.
A spokesman for the church,
Michael Purdy, said the law will allow illegal immigrants to
serve as Mormon missionaries, which they previously could
not do.
"This narrow exception to the
immigration act allows people of all faiths to fulfill their
religious obligations," Purdy said.
Source: "Tancredo
blasts shield for religious groups," Anne C. Mulkern,
staff writer, Denver Post, 11/15/2005
To interpret, these religious
leaders not
only want property, land, and profits while avoiding the
payment of taxes, via their special IRS 501(c)(3) status,
but they also want a liability exception unlike all for-profit
businesses and individuals in America.
Most people like to reminisce
about the old days when churches were sanctuaries from
persecution. But this is not what is being proposed. The
barn door has now been opened to entice people, including
militants and criminal elements that care not a whit for
freedom and our society, to break federal and state
immigration laws (which, while imperfect, constitute some of
the few laws that actually make some sense).
They are also encouraging
American-based "non-profit" religious profiteers to abuse these "volunteer" illegal aliens. If
these aliens ever step out of line, their religious leaders
can easily send them packing with no personal liability for
enticing them to come here in
the first place.
Note: The federal statute
discussed is otherwise horrific in that it promotes vast
federal powers of confiscation without due process (craftily
referred to as "civil forfeiture" in TITLE 8, CHAPTER 12,
SUBCHAPTER II, Part VIII, §1324(3)(b). See the
old code before Bennett amended it.
Calling Evil Men Good
In order to gain power within the government,
religious leaders must form allegiances with like-minded
politicians. Because of the trust their parishioners
place in them, they can have tremendous
influence to sway voters, and may exercise that power without
explicitly endorsing a given candidate
thus avoiding any threat to
their tax-exempt IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit status. The following
LDS public interactions provide showcase examples as to
how this can occur:
Extolling the "Goodness" of Michael O.
LDS church president Gordon B. Hinckley has
publicly lauded the former Utah governor (and LDS member)
Michael O. Leavitt on more than one occasion. For
"Well, the governor is a native of Utah,
young man, part of the economy in the insurance business,
other things, grew up there. I know his father and mother
well, know him well. I regard him as a good man doing a
good job."
Source: Larry King Live, "Gordon
Hinckley: Distinguished Religious Leader of the Mormons,"
aired September 8, 1998 - 9:00 p.m. ET [bold added]
Michael O. Leavitt's
era of indecency and corruption has been amply documented
by a local Utah watchdog organization, Accountability Utah.
Among other injustices, Leavitt:
Aided and abetted the slaughter of unborn
Refused to sign pledge of
support for the religious freedoms of the Falon Gong faith,
who are by the thousands imprisoned, drugged,
barbarically tortured, raped, brainwashed, and murdered by
the Chinese government;
Promoted gun control;
Destroyed parental and
property rights;
Grew government through the
Condoned government abuse and
neglect; and
Lied about not running for
more than two terms.
Source: "Michael
O. Leavitt's Pink Slip Report," Accountability Utah
Leavitt resigned as governor to
pursue president Bush's appointment as director of the federal
Health & Human Services agency. In his new position,
he has utterly refused to take any meaningful action to
prevent the
multi-millions in taxpayer funds the federal government
annually gives out to subsidize abortions on
Are these good acts that we should all emulate?
If this is a "good job," then what could possibly constitute a
bad job? Yet, despite Leavitt's abysmal record, thanks
to the support of enablers like Gordon B. Hinckley, he sailed
through his re-election bid.
Note: One typical rebuttal is that the LDS
church (and all churches for that matter due to the fine IRS
line they must walk with regards to avoiding political
endorsements) does not officially get involved, but leaves it
to members to research and prayerfully select their leaders.
See the "Conclusion: Hold
All Men Equally Accountable" to examine the problems
associated with taking this view seriously. The power of
even an implied endorsement of character by a king-maker such
as Hinckley is immense under the
LDS philosophy.
Globalist Jon Huntsman Jr.
LDS church president Gordon B. Hinckley has
also praised current Utah governor (and LDS member) Jon
Huntsman in the LDS Deseret News:
"King, whose wife is a member of the LDS
Church, asked President Hinckley an array of questions, from
life after death to how he feels about Utah Gov.-elect Jon
Huntsman Jr. ('I think he's a good man,' President Hinckley
Source: "Pres.
Hinckley optimistic LDS leader offers views on variety of
subjects on 'Larry King Live'," Jennifer Toomer-Cook,
Deseret News, 12/27/2004
Jon Huntsman served for several years as the
chair of Envision Utah, an environmental organization
(funded by millions of tax dollars) that promotes
unaccountable regional government and the
weakening of property rights reducing human
beings to bicycles, light rail, and cramped apartments.
Huntsman does not follow the lofty goals of Envision Utah
himself, as the
following flier demonstrates.
Huntsman's unique distinction is having the
fifth-lowest score on liberty and human rights in the
"2005 Legislative Performance Report" (put out by local
watchdog organization Accountability Utah). In just one
year, Huntsman:
Forced taxpayers to pay for
abortions on demand;
Attacked innocent parents in
parental rights cases;
Nominated a vicious,
incompetent judge to the bench; and
Expanded Soviet-style "drug
courts" and vetoed a bill to protect the rights of parents
who refuse to subject their children to psychotropic drugs.
Again, these traits should hardly be emulated
or praised.
Celebrating Communist Spy Armand Hammer
Huntsman's father, now a general authority in
the LDS church, is a public fan of communist spy Armand Hammer. From the Deseret News, December 12-13,
1990, p. D7:
Huntsman remembers [Armand]
Hammer as "a dear and valued friend."
A special reception was held
for Armand Hammer at the LDS church headquarters, where he was
presented with a bronze likeness of himself by Elder Russell
M. Nelson and Jon Huntsman, Sr.
Note: See a
timeline of Hammer's life and activities.
Extolling his own humanitarian efforts, Huntsman
Sr. states the following of Armand Hammer:
I was watching television one night, December
7, 1988. I had come home from work, Karen and I had a bite
to eat, flipped on the news about five minutes to ten, and
saw a devastating earthquake in Armenia. I had never heard
of Armenia. To me, it was just another country that started
with an "A." A third of the country had been injured or
killed. It was one of the worst natural disasters in the
history of the twentieth century. The next morning I called
a friend of mine, Dr. Armand Hammer in Los Angeles, and
said, "Dr. Hammer, we must go to Armenia. Theyve had a
devastating earthquake; they need us." Dr. Hammer had had
excellent relationships with the Soviet Union throughout the
Cold War. He had closer relationships than our own
government did. He had been there many times.
Source: "Exchange,"
Alumni Magazine for the Marriott School of Management,
Brigham Young University, 1997-98 Annual Report.
Yes, being a spy and world
communist/mercantilist sympathizer would tend to
require a number of round trips to the U.S.S.R.! According to
fellow LDS traveler Russell M. Nelson,
Huntsman and Hammer made a great team:
Although I had been to the
Soviet Union three times before as a surgeon, Elder Ringger
and I first went to Moscow as Church leaders in June 1987 on
a very important fact-finding journey. We met with the
chairman of the Council of Religious Affairs and with
leaders of other religious denominations, including the
Russian Orthodox, Protestant, and Jewish faiths. At the
invitation of the chief rabbi, Adolph Shayevich, we attended
a bar mitzvah service at the synagogue in Moscow.
We returned in August of 1989
to participate, along with philanthropists Dr. Armand Hammer
of California and Jon M. Huntsman of Utah, in signing an
agreement, August 8, for the Church to assist in relief
efforts for victims of the disastrous earthquake of December
1988 in Armenia. May I digress to express gratitude for the
faith and generosity of members of the Church who
contributed funds generously and spontaneously for this
cause. Though the Church never solicited a single coin,
valuable donations have been voluntarily contributed by
members throughout the world, either directly or via their
own bishops and branch presidents.
Source: "Drama
on the European Stage," Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Tambuli, May 1992, 8
Upon Hammer's
death in 1990, the LDS church apparently (I have not been able
to verify this document for myself) issued a statement that,
"Dr. Hammer lived a long life full of concern for others."
Source: "Church leaders
express condolences," Church News, December 15, 1990.
According to another source I have not yet documented to my
satisfaction, Elder Nelson also stated: "I observed the high
esteem held for Dr. Hammer by dignitaries of the USSR and the
USA. Unitedly, they commended him for his life's single-minded
purpose in alleviating acrimony or ill-will among people of
these two important nations." (Deseret News, 4/19/1990,
pp. A1, A2)
"agreeing to disagree" does not quite rationalize friendship
with, and praise of, evil opportunists
like Armand Hammer.
3. Succoring
Barbaric Governments
In order to increase their
influence and opportunity for growth in other countries,
religious leaders use their political and corporate influence
to sacrifice nationalist and moral ideals.
"Unsanctioned" Pressure for China's MFN Status
The LDS church, for instance, has established a
track record of aiding and abetting horrific human rights
abuses in communist China. During the debates over
whether the U.S. government should grant permanent Most
Favored Nation Status to China, LDS Seventy Donald L. Staheli,
lobbied and pressured LDS congressmen to vote in China's
When Staheli's activities were leaked to the
press, LDS church officials claimed ignorance. This
plausible deniability is a key component to maintaining the
air of neutrality and indifference.
Staheli had unique qualifications to involve
himself in this issue. The LDS Ensign portrayed
him as follows [my notes in bold brackets]:
In 1977 he moved to New Canaan, Connecticut,
to accept a position as executive vice president and
director with Continental Grain Co., a large, private
multinational agribusiness and financial services firm
headquartered in New York City [better known to many
small farmers as a monopolistic grain cartel that has
crushed many independent farming ventures]. In 1984 he
became president and chief operating officer and in 1988 was
named CEO, eventually becoming chairman of the board. He has
served on several corporate boards.
He is currently chairman of the U.S.-China
Business Council and a director of the National Committee on
U.S.-China Relations and the U.S.-China Society. He served
as chairman of an international business leaders advisory
council for the mayor of Shanghai [which explains his
pivotal role in pressuring LDS congressman to support
tariffs that favor China over all other nations]. He is
a member of the council on foreign relations [an
organization dedicated to destroying the national
sovereignty of America] and is chairman of the Points of
Light Foundation, a national organization that encourages
volunteer activities.
Source: "News of the Church,"
Ensign, May 1997, p. 107 at
In the Advanced Search, type "Donald Staheli council foreign
relations points light"
And for his supposedly unsanctioned service in
rewarding communist China with exclusive trade tariff breaks,
the LDS-owned and -operated Brigham Young University proudly
offers a Donald L. Staheli award at the Marriott School of BYU.
Are young people really supposed to emulate men like Staheli?
Note: One typical rebuttal is that the LDS
church (and other churches) now have an international flock
that knows no boundaries, and therefore must represent the
political interests of their global members. If that is
the case, then churches should abandon the candy of their U.S.
IRS 501(c)(3) status and pay full taxes like everyone else.
Victims in the Name of Profit
Staheli, Huntsman, and Nelson are joined by the
LDS-dominated Utah legislature and governor, who repeatedly go to
bat for the Chinese government. In 2002, members of the
violently persecuted Falun Gong faith desperately implored
Governor Leavitt to sign a pledge of support for their
religious freedom. Leavitt, whose LDS ancestors claimed to
have been denied similar appeals for protection from the U.S.
government, openly refused to sign the pledge.
Men, women, and children of the Falun
Gong religion are imprisoned, drugged, barbarically tortured,
raped, brainwashed, and murdered by the Chinese government.
To learn more, visit the
Falun Gong Information
Center (note that some of the material is very disturbing
in nature).
Then-governor Michael O. Leavitt's spokeswoman
Natalie Gochnour defended her boss's actions to the LDS
Deseret News with the following:
"We are preparing to host the world. This is
an international political issue that is really not our
fight. We are committed to not causing international
controversies right now."
"There are real sensitivities on this issue.
It is very clearly a big issue, a significant issue to the
Chinese government. The governor was trying to be sensitive
to that."
"We have many international visitors coming
to our state and we are trying to be sensitive."
Source: "Leavitt
skirts Chinese issue," Jerry Spangler, Deseret News,
January 10, 2002.
During the 2002 session,
House Joint Resolution 6, "Resolution Urging an End to the
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners," by former
representative Matt
Throckmorton, was killed by LDS Speaker of the House Martin
Stephens and his house leadership appointees in the house
rules committee. Like thousands of captured Falon Gong
practitioners, this resolution never saw the light of day.
(LDS Speaker of the House Martin Stephens saw to that.)
America is supposed to provide a beacon of hope
to people like this. Yet Utah, whose residents claim to have
been persecuted in a similar fashion in the not-so-distant past, can not even
pass a simple resolution in support of humane treatment toward
innocent women and children!
Members of the Falun Gong faith begged and
pleaded for assistance, and were rejected for one reason: they
did not bring enough money and political power to the table.
LDS religious officials somehow find the
courage to "transport," "move," "encourage," "induce,"
"conceal," "harbor," or "shield," illegal aliens who
threaten our nation's very existence. Yet, when the
opportunity knocks to stand up for another's right to worship
in peace, these
loudest so-called moralists are no where to be seen
for fear of upsetting "international
Note: This conspicuous, selective
silence on the part of LDS officials (and those of most other
faiths as well) is a frequent occurrence in Utah. See,
for example, their
noted absence on a bill to end taxpayer funding of
abortion, and compare that with the example in the
addendum below.
Sidestepping Accountability via Corporate Affiliates
Religious officials seeking power often utilize
mass media outlets to say (or do) those things they are loathe
to publicly undertake directly. In this fashion, they
can indirectly promote their agenda without losing as many
potential donors.
The LDS church, for instance, owns and operates
KSL (1160 AM and KSL 5 Television). KSL is a division of
Bonneville International Corporation (BIC). BIC and the
Deseret Morning News are subsidiaries of the Deseret
Management Corporation.
http://www.bonnint.com/section-e.php?p=2-0 and
According to the official DMC website, it:
"is a corporate holding company whose purpose
is to oversee the commercial companies affiliated with The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to provide
appropriate services to its subsidiaires [sp] and to its
ownership. DMC's member companies are independently
operated, commercial taxpaying corporations -- each having
its own mission, objectives, assets, products, services, and
board of directors. However, all member companies have the
common purposes of (1) productively serving society; (2)
promoting high values; (3) providing quality service to
their respective clients, customers, and communities; (4)
being sensitive to the needs of, and opportunities for,
their associates; (5) upholding the values of and fostering
the goals of their ownership; and (6) generating a fair
financial return for their ownership.
A mere cursory view of KSL and Deseret
News editorials reveals that they actively promote nearly
every political evil imaginable (see one example in the
Addendum below).
Yet to claim that KSL and Deseret News
are controlled and directed by LDS church leadership is
considered an attack on the LDS faith. LDS
officials, we are told, do not micromanage their
subsidiaries and are not accountable for their output. To
openly confront the horrible policies and practices of KSL or
the Deseret News is interpreted as an attack
on the LDS faith (note that many of the DMC officers have
served in high leadership capacities in the LDS church).
Which is it? If the LDS church is not
responsible and the participants can not be scrutinized, then
how can real accountability exist for these individuals and
Source on board members:
Additional Note added
11/25/05: Current Editor and CEO of the LDS Deseret
News is also worthy of special mention. From his
John John Hughes is editor and chief
operating officer of the Deseret Morning News. He served a
one-year term in 1995 as assistant secretary-general and
director of communications at the United Nations. He is a
former editor of the Christian Science Monitor, which
syndicates this column.
Source: "Despite
its flaws, U.N. well worth preserving," John Hughes,
Deseret News, 12/8/2004.
Quite an interesting track. A world
socialist goes from the Christian Science Monitor to Kofi
Annan's right hand man to pumping out pro-U.N. pieces as head
editor of the LDS Deseret News.
Corporate Practices Versus Pulpit
LDS leaders preach that the Sabbath Day should
be kept holy, and regularly chastises the community for
engaging in frivolous commerce on Sundays. Yet, the LDS
operates the "The Inn at Temple Square"
on Sundays.
The Inn is managed by the "Temple Square Hospitality
Corporation", which is managed by "Deseret Management
Corporation", which again claims to be "a corporate holding
company whose purpose is to oversee the commercial companies
affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints" and is "upholding the values of and fostering the
goals of their ownership."
The LDS Deseret News, KSL Channel 5
television, and numerous FM (including hard rock-and-roll and
sports stations) and AM radio stations, continue their
programming on Sunday
complete with paid commercial
advertisements. See a
listing of such stations.
Still, these are only private hypocrisies.
The real trouble starts in the public arena. For
instance, LDS leaders
publicly asked for, and encouraged,
quasi-governmental (i.e. tax-funded) TRAX employees to work on Sunday so that people
could ride to LDS conferences and other activities during
their general conference weekends. They
got their wish and TRAX is now running every Sunday at
taxpayer expense. Now, the presiding bishop of the LDS
church is featured promoting TRAX on television commercials.
Sources: "TRAX
schedule for LDS General Conference," Deseret News,
10/5/2002, and "TRAX
Service Expanded for LDS Conference," KSL 5, 4/1/2005.
This flies in the face of the
secret meeting and conversation former governor Michael O.
Leavitt publicly claimed to have had with LDS president Gordon
B. Hinckley:
"The LDS Church is a large constituent and deserves the same
attention as any other constituent of its size, complexity
and importance," said Gov. Mike Leavitt, himself an active
member of the LDS Church.
When he had been governor only a few days, Leavitt requested
a meeting with the leadership of the church. "And basically,
what our conversation was, and it was Gordon B. Hinckley who
said it: 'We have a relationship we'd like to propose. You
run the state and we'll run the church.' Those were his
Source: "Pres.
Hinckley has most clout," staff writers Lucinda Dillon
and Bob Bernick Jr., Deseret News, 5/13/2001.
Utah used to commercially slow down
government services on Sundays. But once LDS leaders made a
request, the state leaped to acquiesce, and exceeded their
Note: Under the same
hypocritical reasoning, the LDS-dominated Utah state
legislature passed a statute to force car dealers to stop
selling cars on Sunday. How is it consistent to allow
wheel-and-deal business meetings to occur in the Inn at Temple
Square on Sunday, but prevent small businessmen from selling
cars on Sunday?
Hold ALL Men Equally Accountable
How is it possible for these religious leaders
to escape scrutiny and accountability? The answer is
tragic. Current LDS president Gordon B. Hinckley echoes
the very old doctrine that provides the very trademark and
bedrock to enable political popery to occur:
"The strength of this cause and kingdom is
not found in its temporal assets, impressive as they may be.
Faith underlies loyalty to the Church." ("The
Miracle of Faith," Ensign, May 2001, bold added)
"Now, brothers and sisters, let us go forth
from this conference with a stronger resolve to live the
gospel, to be more faithful, to be better fathers and
mothers and sons and daughters, to be absolutely loyal to
one another as families, and absolutely loyal to the Church
as members." ("Good-bye
for Another Season," Ensign, May 2001, bold
12th Article of Faith, purportedly written by Joseph Smith
(and contained alongside the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and
Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and Bible in their canonized
scriptures) provides an accompanying political requirement for
LDS members:
"We believe in being subject to kings,
presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring,
and sustaining the law."
Over 200 years ago, Americans wisely refused to
subject themselves to kings and fought a bloody war to free
themselves from bondage. Amazingly, many of us have
de-evolved and willingly placed these same shackles on
Absolute loyalty to a king and organization can
only be accomplished when one surrenders his conscience and
places all hopes and trust upon other men
their individual and collective
fallibility notwithstanding. This, too, is a trademark
of any religion whose leaders seek control. Wilford Woodruff, the third President of the
LDS Church, stated, for instance, that:
"The Lord will never permit me or any other
man who stands as President of this Church to lead you
astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of
God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out
of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to
lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and
from their duty." (Excerpts from Three Addresses by
President Wilford Woodruff Regarding the Manifesto,
Doctrine and Covenants, under
Declaration 1)
The April 2002 LDS General Conference provides
another example (my note in brackets):
"One of the sneaky ploys of the adversary is
to have us believe that unquestioning obedience to the
principles and commandments of God is blind obedience. His
goal is to have us believe that we should be following our
own worldly ways and selfish ambitions. This he does by
persuading us that 'blindly' following the prophets and
obeying the commandments is not thinking for ourselves. He
teaches that it is not intelligent to do something just
because we are told to do so by a living prophet or by
prophets who speak to us from the scriptures.
[My Note: This assumes that, without
organized religion, man could not be either spiritual or
interested in the well-being of others.]
"Our unquestioning obedience to the Lord's
commandments is not blind obedience. President Boyd K.
Packer in the April conference of 1983 taught us about this:
'Latter-day Saints are not obedient because they are
compelled to be obedient. They are obedient because they
know certain spiritual truths and have decided, as an
expression of their own individual agency, to obey the
commandments of God. . . . We are not obedient because we
are blind, we are obedient because we can see'" Elder Boyd
K. Packer, "Agency
and Control," Ensign, May 1983, 66).
The retorting e-mails attempting to dismiss and
dispel the merits of my
original e-mail message on this
general subject hardly seemed written by LDS men and women who
"see". Those who "see" welcome debate without fear, and
are grateful for the opportunity to participate and thereby
expand their experience.
Here is another example from this same
"We might call this 'faith obedience.' With
faith, Abraham was obedient in preparing Isaac for
sacrifice; with faith, Nephi was obedient in obtaining the
brass plates; with faith, a little child obediently jumps
from a height into the strong arms of his father. "Faith
obedience" is a matter of trust. The question is simple: Do
we trust our Heavenly Father? Do we trust our prophets?"
Elder R. Conrad Schultz, "Faith
Obedience," April 2002 General Conference Report,
And from LDS president Ezra Taft Benson, who is
still venerated by many LDS members (and others) who consider
themselves dedicated to freedom and to conscience:
"President Marion G. Romney tells of this
incident, which happened to him: I remember years ago when I
was a Bishop I had President [Heber J.] Grant talk to our
ward. After the meeting I drove him home... Standing by me,
he put his arm over my shoulder and said: 'My boy, you
always keep your eye on the President of the Church, and if
he ever tells you to do anything, and it is wrong, and you
do it, the Lord will bless you for it.' Then with a
twinkle in his eye, he said, 'But you don't need to worry.
The Lord will never let his mouthpiece lead the people
astray.'" Elder Ezra Taft Benson, "Fourteen Fundamentals
in Following a Prophet," given at the Marriott Center at
Brigham Young University, February 6, 1980; see also Ensign
Conference Report, October 1960, p. 78 [bold added]
From the LDS-owned and -operated Deseret
News newspaper and Improvement Era magazine:
"Any Latter-day Saint who denounces or
opposes whether actively or otherwise, any plan or doctrine
advocated by the prophets, seers, revelators' of the church,
is cultivating the spirit of apostasy. One cannot speak evil
of the lord's anointed... and retain the holy spirit in his
heart. This sort of game is Satan's favorite pastime, and he
has practiced it to believing souls since Adam. He [Satan]
wins a great victory when he can get members of the church
to speak against their leaders and to do their own thinking.
"When our leaders speak, the thinking has
been done. When they propose a plan it is God's Plan. When
they point the way, there is no other which is safe. When
they give directions, it should mark the end of controversy,
God works in no other way. To think otherwise, without
immediate repentance, may cost one his faith, may destroy
his testimony, and leave him a stranger to the kingdom of
God." (Ward Teachers Message, Deseret News, Church
Section p. 5, May 26, 1945; also included in the
Improvement Era, June 1945) [bold added]
From Heber C. Kimball:
"In regard to our situation and circumstances
in these valleys, brethren WAKE UP! WAKE UP, YE ELDERS OF
ISRAEL, AND LIVE TO GOD and none else; and learn to do as
you are told, both old and young: learn to do as you are
told for the future, And when you are taking a position, if
you do not know that you are right, do not take it [] I mean
independently. But if you are told by your leader to do a
thing, do it. None of your business whether it is right or
wrong... you and I want to live our religion and do as we
are told, not questioning a word for a moment. You have got
to stop that. It is enough for others to do that, without
our meddling with those things. I am speaking to the Elders
of Israel." Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses,
vol. 3, pp. 32-33 [bold added]
Finally, LDS members who receive their temple
endowment ceremony make a solemn covenant to avoid "evil
speaking of the Lord's anointed," i.e. the LDS leaders.
To break that agreement is to invite damnation to one's soul.
Again, the manipulations, deceit, and
corruption outlined throughout this article are in nowise unique to LDS
officials or the LDS religious institution. As organized religions grow and
corruptible men gain power, it is natural to drift toward
immorality and decay.
Americans must realize this and publicly
stand up to their officials and hold them fully accountable for their actions
both in government and in
private organizations, particularly recipients of special
government dispensations like IRS 501(c)(3) status. Our Creator demands that we seek
such justice men and their titles and affiliations
notwithstanding. Whether people worship a rock or an ideal is
not particularly relevant, so long as their beliefs do not
enable unscrupulous men to manipulate and destroy all that is
good. As uncomfortable and painful as it might be, we must
reject the Animal Farm notion that "all animals are
equal, but some are more equal than others."
To do otherwise is to insult our
Creator and the gift of freedom he bestowed upon us. In
America, we should be subject to only one King: our individual
conscience, which is arguably indistinguishable from our
Creator when we exercise sufficient courage to set aside our
own sacred cows.
My personal departure from the LDS church and
all organized religion came as a shock to many, particularly
considering my serious and sober study of religious history,
scriptures, and the teachings of historical and modern
leaders. This article is a "coming out" of sorts as to
why I willingly departed.
Remaining so associated, after knowing the
facts shared in this article, would have made me complicit in
these injustices and an enemy of the worst kind to the land I
have always loved. It is my sincerest hope, for the sake of
this land, that thousands, if not millions will see this
document and realize the mortal ties that bind are indeed
Addendum: Supporting Thought Crimes
I sent the following two
messages to various e-mail recipients in response to the LDS
church's involvement in the Utah thought crimes debate.
They provide one small example of the sleight of hand multi-tentacled
religious organizations are capable of.
Message 2, sent on 2/21/2003:
Dear Friends,
In my previous message, I
indicated that I had left a message with Dale Bills, LDS
Church Spokesman, at the Public Affairs Department yesterday
afternoon regarding a conversation he had with a prominent
legislator (who will remain anonymous). William "Bill" Evans,
lobbyist for the LDS Church, returned my call today. This is
NOT an "expose," or an attempt to put the LDS organization in
a "bad light." I tried to be very fair. What the church says
or writes is the business of its members. This message is
merely an effort to, as gingerly as possible, consider that
although the LDS Church admittedly takes few official
positions in direct support of legislation, it definitely
influences politics in our state, and we should take note of
that impact.
1. Report of Telephone Discussion with Bill Evans on Feb. 20,
2. Deseret News Editorial Board Supports HB 85.
3. Personal Observations & Additional Commentary.
4. Time to Seek Real Solutions to Crime & Bigotry.
5. Some Proponents of Thought Crimes Are Not Above Bigotry &
1. Report of Telephone
Discussion with Bill Evans on Feb. 20, 2003.
Mr. Evans had read my email and, on a personal note, I
initially detected some skepticism on his part with regard to
my motives. I hope that the tone of our conversation ended
those feelings for him. I believe we parted on thoughtful and
friendly terms (he did invite me to call back any time). I
personally invite Mr. Evans to correct me if what I present
here is inaccurate, unfair, or misleading in any way. I will
forward his comments to all who receive this message from me.
I spoke with Mr. Evans
regarding the content of my initial email inquiry of a few
days ago. He confirmed that, as I had reported, he did call,
among others, the legislator (Note 1) in question. He
freely admitted to making the call to this legislator and was
open about the content of the message he verbally relayed to
According to Mr. Evans,
Representative David Litvack, sponsor of House Bill 85, "Hate
Crimes Amendments," asked the LDS church to take a position on
the bill. (Note 2) When the church came to a decision,
Mr. Evans called Rep. Litvack and the leaders of both
parties. On behalf of the church, he relayed the following
"As currently drafted, we do
not oppose House Bill 85."
I pointed out to Mr. Evans that
this statement and his actions were likely giving a few
definite impressions to members of the legislature. As you
recall, the legislator felt and expressed that,
according to his experience, for the LDS lobbyist to
pro-actively call him on this issue is an implication that the
LDS church is actually in support of thought crimes
I pointed out that if, in fact,
the legislator and potentially others were reading more into
the statement and this action by Mr. Evans than was intended,
would it not be helpful to his church to clarify the
statement? Could he not call the legislator and others and
ensure that the LDS position and desires were not
misrepresented? I asked him what we might do to clarify this
situation so that there would be no ambiguity or rumor.
He declined to take any action
and stated that whatever this legislator concludes, based upon
his past experience, is entirely up to him.
In additional conversation, Mr.
Evans stated that if the church takes a position in support of
a bill, they will explicitly say so. However, he also
explained that this rarely happens and the most they do is say
that they are not opposed to a bill.
I was admittedly quite confused
at this, and was trying to figure out what the people are
supposed to understand by this. Mr. Evans offered that he
heard what I was saying and understood my concerns, but would
not make any additional statement.
I asked him if he could simply
state something to the effect that the church was also not
implying support for the bill by their official statement. He
politely declined to make such a clarification.
I relayed to him that I desired
clear answers to relay to the people on my list and that I
wanted to fairly report on his responses and leave as little
room for guesswork as possible. I frankly told him that the
responses he was giving, without further clarification, would
likely also give the recipients the perception that the LDS
church was, indeed, supporting HB 85.
He stated that he understood my
frustrations, particularly as a non-member, but that he had
nothing more to add. He stated that what people conclude from
the church position is up to them. In his words, "What people
do with it [the information] is their matter." He felt
comfortable that LDS people, in particular, would understand.
(Note 3)
I asked briefly how the church
had reached their decision (i.e. who decided), and how they
typically reach decisions on issues like this. He replied:
"I am not speaking on my
own. This is a position of the church. It is an internal
I asked if there were any
general statement from the church on this particular issue.
He replied, "There is no general statement." He did, however,
quote for me the following statement from current President
Gordon B. Hinckley:
"Nevertheless, and I
emphasize this, I wish to say that our opposition to
attempts to legalize same-sex marriage should never be
interpreted as justification for hatred, intolerance, or
abuse of those who profess homosexual tendencies, either
individually or as a group."
We Do Some of the Things We Do," President Gordon B.
Hinckley, Ensign, November 1999.
2. Deseret News
Editorial Board Supports HB 85.
As I was working on this message, I learned of the
Deseret News' Editorial Board in yesterday's newspaper
(see "Pass the hate crimes bill," at
If this, along with the
previous message, does not imply support of HB 85, what are
people supposed to seriously think about it? In my opinion,
this is a way of getting the word out that the LDS church is
in support of thought crimes legislation without taking an
official position in support of it.
3. Personal Observations &
Additional Commentary.
On a personal note, after the business of the call was
concluded, we talked personally and unofficially about my
interest and involvement in this issue and my personal
convictions regarding this particular bill and its general
philosophy. I had used the phrase ?thought crimes? and Mr.
Evans did not appear to see how HB 85 could be interpreted as
punishing thought. He utilized the argument that this bill
was simply punishing actions based upon bias and prejudice
that it was not punishing the actual
bias and prejudice itself.
I relayed to him my view that
our wise founding documents and history of American
jurisprudence only approach bias and prejudice in order to
determine whether the crime was premeditated or showed
malicious intent, not to punish based upon the mere presence
of bias and prejudice. I said that, in my opinion, to go
beyond those limitations was to throw away the blindfold of
impartiality that we put upon justice and to discard her
scales of generality and uniformity.
I discussed the fact that this
new approach would belittle and disregard victims whose crimes
did not fall under the established hierarchy category of
punishable philosophies and beliefs. It would move court
proceedings away from the tragedy of the victim and the actual
crime, and into the belief processes of the perpetrator. I
opined that it would be divisive and would destroy, rather
than bring together, community.
The exchange that particularly
impacted me was when I stressed the fact that when a person is
victimized, for whatever reason, the entire community is
victimized. That to judge one crime to be more egregious than
another simply because the motivation is targeted at one
sub-group of the human family, is to place both the victim and
the perpetrator on unequal grounds before the law and before
I expressed most intently that
there is only one group we need worry about: the entire human
family. To sub-divide the human family is to fracture the
human family. If there is currently a problem with not meting
out sentences that fit the crime, we need to privately address
it in the community among potential jurors and publicly
address the quality of the judges who also decide upon
Mr. Evans stated, that he
wished more people viewed the world and humanity that way. I
replied with essentially the following:
"But who then will relay that
view of the world and humanity if the religious community will
not? Who will teach them that this is the right way to view
mankind if the religious community will not step up and do
Mr. Evans listened to my
arguments, responded thoughtfully and respectfully, and
expressed that I had presented thoughtful arguments that he
would personally consider. I may be mistaken, but in my
opinion, I felt that he had heard something he had never
before considered. He seemed to be a real human being who
reflected on the things I said.
This call profoundly impacted
me. It reaffirmed to me that not everyone has everything set
in stone in their minds about how things should be. The more
phone calls we make to people like Bill Evans to educate them,
the more aid we will all receive from a Higher Power. We can
never assume and take for granted that a men will always act
in the best interests of society just because their position
or title or organization says they will. It is an unfair
and unjust expectation and burden. We are all far too
fallible and imperfect to place that kind of trust in each
In a society where the majority
of citizens are largely uninvolved or indifferent, one can
almost understand why elected officials unwisely
gravitate toward this type of legislation. If elected
officials can barely get people involved to present feedback
on issues, naturally they won't expect that the people are
capable of maintaining a fair judicial process. Thought
crimes legislation and its similar counterparts are nothing
more than the result of legislators who have taken their role
too seriously or have, in their impatience, sought out
dangerous and reckless methods to resolve societal conflict.
If the desire is to remove hatred and bigotry from our
society, it is not through legislation. It is through
religion and lifting the human spirit. There is no bill that
will do that.
4. Time to Seek Real
Solutions to Crime & Bigotry.
If the sponsor, and co-sponsor of HB 85 really want to
leave a legacy against hate and violence, I ask that they
withdraw their bill and seek a more hopeful way. Hate and
violence is a concern, but I personally know there are many
business and religious leaders who would like to be a part of
a lasting solution. I ask Rep. Litvak to head some effort of
this nature and seek solutions that will work toward this
You cannot seriously think that
you can legislate love for your fellow man. Government lacks
the desire, warmth, and the power to change those hearts that
would otherwise be inclined to be full of hate. I assert that
if the proponents of HB 85 continue to pursue this
legislation, they are motivated by panic and fear. These are
not grounds for good legislation.
5. Some Proponents of
Thought Crimes Are Not Above Bigotry & Prejudice.
It is interesting that as I have fought thought crimes
legislation, I have already received personal attacks
regarding my religious beliefs. I have begun to feel some
intimidation because of some of the philosophical and
theological differences I have with the predominant religion.
In my case, I have not been able to face my accusers or
clarify my beliefs or actions. I am simply guilty.
In past e-mails, I have
asserted that thought crimes legislation will only divide our
community. If I were seeking my own interests, I could see
the personal benefit to rewriting the law so that I could go
after a few people for religious bigotry demonstrated this
session. But I know that such an effort would be wrong.
To me this is further evidence
that it is just to fight this legislation. Supporters of this
thought crimes movement claim to loathe bias and prejudice.
Yet some are appear to be prepared to use it to attempt to
silence opposition. Imagine how horrible bigotry would become
if we allow thought crimes legislation to take hold in our
society. I would hate to have these people sit on my jury in
a court of law. We mortals are simply not equipped to handle
this burden.
The peaceful beauty of our
traditional system of jurisprudence is that the accused is
entitled to be judged by a jury of his peers who are assumed
to be above the crime with which he is charged. With thought
crimes, no such presumption can be made, because we are all
guilty of thinking ill of some one or some group at one time
or another.
I would like to add that my
relationship with God is not the business of self-seeking,
self-serving men. I have removed my personal religious
website temporarily
not as a demonstration of fear, for I
will continue to share my beliefs with anyone who asks. But
sincere feelings for God are not a spectacle for wolves with
salivating chops to whisper over and quietly use as political
cannon fodder. I welcome dialogue with anyone on religion if
we can at least share a love for God and in the attempt to
find truth.
Daniel B. Newby
(801) 281-2670
1. Some of you have requested that I reveal this
legislator's name. Frankly, based upon this information, I
think it is fair to say that we don't know exactly what has
taken place in the past that might justify this legislator's
interpretation of Mr. Evans' message. In addition, this
inquiry is not about the legislator or punishing him, but
rather about organizations that have an effect on the efforts
of citizens.
2. Rep. Litvak was saavy
enough to realize that LDS backing of this bill would be worth
seeking. This implies to me that there has been enough
history for legislators to recognize that LDS Church influence
holds a heavy weight in the life or death of some legislation.
3. I cannot speak to the
reaction of LDS members with his statement, but it does not
satisfy the concern that lawmakers who use the weight of LDS
non-opposition as a ace in their pocket will gain an extra,
and I believe unfair, advantage against opponents of the bill.
The preceding message was my
personal opinion. To receive an alert on this subject
directly, email me at daniel.newby@velocitus.net.
Message 1, sent on
Yesterday, a prominent
legislator (who I will keep anonymous) informed a citizen in
his area that a Mr. Evans, lobbyist for the LDS church, had
called and informed him that the LDS church will not take a
position against the thought crimes legislation being run this
The prominent legislator felt
that, according to his experience, for the LDS lobbyist to
pro-actively call him on this issue implies that the LDS
church is actually in support of thought crimes legislation
(i.e. Democrat David Litvack's HB 85).
I am personally very dismayed
that this LDS lobbyist has the time and motivation to call
around on this particular issue and drop these implications.
Even more dismaying is that the LDS church would have more
cause to make clear their position on thought crimes, but be
silent on promoting concepts like the prohibition of taxpayer
funding of abortion on demand (HB 123)
or the principles and Laws of God that
are so clearly violated when we attempt to judge and punish
people based upon their beliefs rather than their actions.
The subject of religion and
churches can be particularly dividing for people. I think
this latest development is an excellent test. Can the
activists stay focused and together even though some of us,
LDS and Non-LDS alike, feel that the LDS church has just
tipped the scales in the favor of legislating thought crimes?
Will we stay together, and perhaps grow, if we know that there
are some within the movement who feel that the LDS church
hurts the conservative political efforts in Utah? That LDS
legislators who were already leaning toward supporting the
bill will now feel it is perhaps a little more "divine" than
they had even before supposed.
I hope so. I think we need to
be sensitive to the effects of influential organizations,
religious or otherwise, and recognize that these effects will
only put victory beyond our reach if we choose to allow it.
I located this person's contact
information on the Lt. Governor's election website (available
William Evans
Public Affairs Department
15 E. South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
(801) 240-3813
Registered to Lobby for the
following Organizations:
Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
Address: 47 East South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
(801) 240-1000, (801) 240-2033
I encourage and hope that you
will call Dale Bills, LDS Church Spokesman, at the Public
Affairs Department at (801) 240-2205, and find out exactly
what happened for yourselves. I attempted to reach Dale Bills
earlier, but he was out to a meeting. Also, please attempt to
find out what their lobbyists are using to govern their
selection of bills to support, oppose, and remain neutral on.
There is always the chance that these men don't realize how
much damage they are doing. Perhaps your call will help them
to be more aware.
Below are several religious
citations taken from the New Testament (King James Version),
as well as the Book of Mormon that may be somehow helpful to
you as you discuss this issue.
Daniel B. Newby
(801) 281-2670
P.S. The preceding message was my personal opinion. To
receive an alert on this subject directly, email me at
New Testament Citations
"...Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of
persons..." Acts 10:34, The New Testament
"...Call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth
according to every man's work..."
1 Peter 1:17, The New Testament
The New Testament portrays the distinct impression that God
alone is qualified and empowered to judge crimes of thought:
"...He that searcheth the hearts..."
Romans 8:27, The New Testament
"O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of
God! How unsearchable are his judgements, and his ways past
finding out!" Romans 11:33, The New Testament
Book of Mormon Citations
"Now there was no law against a man's belief; for it
was strictly contrary to the commands of God that there
should be a law which should bring men on to unequal grounds?
For there was a law that men should be judged according to
their crimes. Nevertheless, there was no law against a man's
belief; therefore, a man was punished only for the crimes
which he had done; therefore all men were on equal grounds."
Alma 30:7,11, The Book of Mormon
"Nevertheless, they durst not
lie, if it were known, for fear of the law, for liars were
punished; therefore they pretended to preach according to
their belief; and now the law could have no power on any man
for his belief." Alma 1:17, The Book of Mormon
According to the teachings of
the Book of Mormon, laws against beliefs are not only unwise,
but strictly contrary to the commands of the Creator. As the
Nephite King Mosiah attempted to transfer power from himself
to a system of judges elected by the people, he further
reinforced the assertion that God had inspired the Nephite
system of laws:
"Therefore, choose you by the
voice of this people, judges, that ye may be judged according to the laws which have been given you by our
fathers, which are correct, and which were given them by
the hand of the Lord."
Mosiah 29:25, The Book of Mormon
Addendum 2: Public Sponsorship of Gun Control
Former House Speaker Martin Stephens claimed to
have participated with LDS church leaders in 1999 on gun
control legislation [bold added]:
"While much work remains to be done, House
Speaker Marty Stephens said Tuesday there is a possibility
that lawmakers and citizens pushing a gun-control initiative
can reach agreement -- and the initiative won't be needed
after all."...
"But Tuesday, Stephens, R-Farr West, said he
believes the guns-in-churches issue can be solved relatively
"I've met with leaders of all
denominations," Stephens said, and an informal agreement
has been reached whereby the concealed weapons permit
holders need permission from church officials to carry a gun
on church grounds.
"That gets around the sticky issue of
churches having to post signs saying "No Guns Allowed."
"Concealed weapons in schools is a harder
issue, Stephens agreed.
"Basically, if wording can be found that will
allow permit holders to carry their weapons on to school
grounds to attend "approved" school functions and to take
and drop off their children, Stephens said that, in concept,
is something acceptable to him and perhaps to other members
of the Utah House and Senate Republican caucuses."
Source: Deseret News,
Brigham Young University,
which, like KSL 5 and the
Deseret News (see topic 4), is owned and
operated by the LDS Church, was listed by the now-defunct gun
control group, "Utah Safe to Learn, Safe to Worship," as an
official sponsor of the
Utah Safe to Learn, Safe to Worship Initiative, which they
attempted to run in 2000. This initiative called for the
(3) A person with a permit to carry a
concealed firearm [may not carry a concealed firearm] is
subject to applicable civil or criminal law concerning the
carrying or use of a firearm, including criminal law
restrictions that prohibit carrying a firearm in [the
following] certain locations including the following:...
(c) [in] any house or place of worship, [or
in any private residence where dangerous weapons are
prohibited] as provided in Section 76-10-530; [or]
(d) any area relating to schools, as provided
in Section 53A-3-502 or Section 76-10-505.5;
This initiative failed miserably in 2000, even
with BYU's support. The LDS church then attempted to
muscle a gun control amendment through the legislature. From
GOUtah!, Alert #161 dated
March 14, 2003, under their "Summary of the 2003 Legislative
LOSS: SB 108. One part of SB
108 that's bad is an anti-gun amendment that was written by
the LDS (Mormon) Church and was tacked onto the bill by Sen.
Waddoups at the behest of a couple of local gun
organizations. This amendment, in its original form, would
have essentially enabled individual churches to ban
concealed firearms without telling anyone about it. You
would have had to possess ESP to know whether it was legal
to carry in any given house of worship. This is one of the
most bizarre pieces of legislation we've ever read.
Thanks to your letters and
phone calls to legislators, the church amendment was
eventually modified on the floor of the House of
Representatives so that the Bureau of Criminal
Identification (BCI) will be required to maintain a list of
churches in Utah that ban guns, and to display this list on
the official BCI website (which means that you'll no longer
need ESP to know what the law is for any given church,
although you will need internet access). Furthermore, the
amendment was modified so that churches that ban guns will
have to renew their bans every year if they want to keep
them in effect. However, churches will not have to post
signs or otherwise clearly announce their gun bans (although
they will still have the option of doing so). This means
that every time you plan on visiting a house of worship in
Utah, you'll need to check the BCI website to determine
whether you can legally take your self-defense weapon with
you. Furthermore, there is no deadline for BCI to post a
given church's gun ban, and there is a 30-day period between
the time that a church decides to ban guns and the time that
the church has to inform BCI about this. Thus, strictly
speaking, there is still no notification requirement
hard-wired into the bill. Furthermore, even if churches were
to promptly report their gun policies to BCI and BCI were to
post them instantly, we still wonder whether this law would
hold up in court. It is our understanding that posting on a
web page does not in and of itself legally satisfy the
requirements for promulgating a law.
GOUtah! reported a couple of
months ago that two Apostles of the LDS Church had been
telling the leadership of the state legislature that the
Church was considering endorsing the anti-gun "Safe to Learn
and Worship" ballot initiative. We have since come to
believe that these Church leaders were doing this in order
to persuade the legislature to pass some sort of bill that
would enable the Church to ban guns in its houses of worship
without having to post signs at the entrances. Although we
do not know how serious the Church was at that time about
actually carrying through with its threat to publicly
support the ballot initiative, we believe that the leaders
and attorneys at Church headquarters who were involved in
this matter subsequently lost a considerable portion of
whatever enthusiasm they may have had for the ballot
initiative, thanks to your letters and phone calls to the
Church's Public Affairs Office, as well as the efforts made
by those of you who are active LDS Church members to talk to
your bishops and stake presidents. Unfortunately, some other
Utah gun groups were absolutely terrified that the Church
would follow through with its threat to endorse the ballot
initiative unless the Church's amendment to SB 108 passed.
Only GOUtah! and Utah Gun Owners' Alliance (Sarah Thompson's
organization) opposed this amendment.
If BYU was
already in support of the Safe to Learn, Safe to Worship
Initiative, then why would a public endorsement by the LDS
church carry more weight? This is part of the game
played by ecclesiastical organizations. If they come
outright and state publicly what they want, they might lose
some of their financial contributors and spiritual adherents.
Therefore, they prefer to rely
upon the indirect influence of their media affiliates while
pretending neutrality. If that approach fails, they can
count on their religious faithful who hold seats of power in
the government.
The LDS Church's
original mendment to SB 108 was slightly amended, and gun
control bill
SB 108 was eventually enacted. Soon afterward, the
LDS First Presidency issued the following command to LDS
leaders and, by implication, to all LDS members [bold,
underline, and note added]:
January 16, 2004
To: Area Presidencies, Area Authority
Seventies, Temple Presidents, Stake Presidents, Bishops, and
Branch Presidents in Utah
Dear Brethren:
Firearms in Houses of Worship
Churches are dedicated for the worship of God
and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world. The
carrying of lethal weapons, concealed or otherwise, within
their walls is inappropriate except as required by officers
of the law.
Utah law permits churches or other
organizations operating houses of worship to prohibit
firearms. Any person, including a person licensed to
carry a concealed firearm, who knowingly and intentionally
transports a firearm into a house of worship or who, while
in possession of a firearm, enters or remains in a house of
worship where firearms have been prohibited, is guilty of
a crime. An exception will be provided for law
enforcement personnel, as contemplated by law.
[Note: As the GoUtah! alert explains,
foreknowledge is a tricky thing. Particularly if you
are a visitor from out-of-state, for instance, and are not
familiar with Utah statutes.]
The church plans to invoke the Utah law and
give public notice that firearms are prohibited in the
church's houses of worship, including temples,
meetinghouses, the Assembly Hall, the Salt Lake Tabernacle,
and the Conference Center. Scouting merit badge and other
activities where firearms are legitimately involved should
be held in facilities other than houses of worship.
Once such public notice is given, persons who
bring firearms into a church house of worship should be
informed of the church's position and politely asked to take
their firearms to another safe location. Persons who refuse
to take their firearms from the house of worship or
repeatedly ignore the church's prohibition should be
referred to local law enforcement officers for possible
criminal prosecution. However, every reasonable effort
should be made to avoid confrontation and to defuse
emotional situations so as to prevent violence and
misunderstanding. Questions regarding particular situations
may be referred to the Church Security Department and the
Church's Office of General Counsel at church headquarters.
Sincerely your brethren,
Gordon B. Hinckley
Thomas S. Monson
James E. Faust
The First Presidency
Historical Trivia: In
addition to ordering men to bear arms and stand 24-watch over
the Kirtland temple, Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the LDS
church, stated the following:
"There is one principle which
is Eternal, it is the duty of all men to protect their lives
and the lives of their households whenever necessity
requires. And no power has a right to forbid it." Joseph
Smith Jr. to his wife, Emma Smith, Carthage Jail, June 27,
1844. Source: The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith,
compiled and edited by Dean C. Jessee, Deseret Book, Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1984, p. 611 (ISBN: 0-87747-974-7)
If "no power has a right to forbid it," why did
the LDS church do so? Smith went on to state:
"...We feel to hope for the
best, and are determined to prepare for the worst. And we
want this to be your motto in common with us, 'that we will
never ground our arms untill we give them up by death'
'Free trade and sailors rights, protection of persons and
property, wives and families.' If a mob annoy you, defend
yourselves to the very last, and if they fall upon you with
a superior force, and if you think you are not able to
compete with them, retreat to Nauvoo... act according to the
emergency of the case but never give up your arms, but die
first...." Joseph Smith Jr. to his Uncle John, Nauvoo,
June 17, 1844. Source: The Personal Writings of Joseph
Smith, compiled and edited by Dean C. Jessee, Deseret
Book, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1984, p. 591 (ISBN:
"I swear in the name of the
Almighty God with uplifted hand the Legislature shall never
take away our rights. I'll spill my heart's blood first."
Joseph Smith Jr., journal entry, June 30, 1843. Source:
An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of
Joseph Smith, edited by Scott H. Faulring, Signature
Books, Inc. in association with Smith Research Associates,
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1989, p. 392 (ISBN: 0-941214-78-8)
Additional Information:
Here is the Deseret News article announcing the LDS
church's ban on guns:
Invoking a state law, LDS
Church leaders are putting gun owners on notice
that the weapons are unwelcome in ward houses, temples and
other church
facilities in Utah.
The First Presidency of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said
in a written statement Friday that it had mailed a letter
drafted Jan. 16 to
local-level leaders informing them of plans to follow "Utah
law and give
public notice that firearms are prohibited in the church's
houses of
worship, including temples, meetinghouses, the Assembly
Hall, the Salt Lake
Tabernacle and the Conference Center."
Utah's 50,000 concealed
weapons permit holders are allowed to carry their
guns "without restriction" except in previously designated
places like
airports, jails and courthouses, which have other kinds of
The law also allows churches to adopt a no-guns policy but
requires those
organizations to make such policies public.
Under the notification options
put in law by legislators last year, churches
may publish their policies in a newsletter, bulletin,
worship program or
newspaper of general circulation. Those that opt to do so
must also register
with the state Bureau of Criminal Identification, which
posts the names of
registered organizations on its Web site.
Churches may also publicize a
no-gun policy through personal communication
to the permit holder, the posting of signs on a building or
an announcement
from the pulpit.
"The (LDS) Church will
register its position with the State Bureau of
Criminal Investigation and provide notice in the newspaper,"
the Friday
statement reads. Currently, only three churches - St. Paul's
Church in Salt Lake City, Shepherd of the Mountain Lutheran
Church in Park
City and the Summum Church of Salt Lake City - have
registered with the
The decision by LDS leadership
to register puts the church in compliance
with state law while at the same time setting the faith
apart from other
denominations in the Salt Lake Valley that oppose the
requirement. In December, leaders from about two dozen
organizations, including the Roman Catholic Church and the
Episcopal Church,
said they believe that under the protections of the U.S.
Constitution, Utah
has no jurisdiction to dictate how churches must handle such
The LDS Church officials did
not take a stand with other faiths in December,
saying at the time they had not determined their position,
said Toni Marie
Sutliff, a member of the Episcopal Church's statewide lay
Sen. Mike Waddoups,
R-Taylorsville, who carried the registration bill last
year, said he was not surprised by the LDS statement Friday
and thought the
decision to register might pressure other churches into
"Now that the (church) with
the greatest number of members in the state is
now doing it the way the state law stipulates, it will be
hard for some of
the smaller ones to say, well, we're going to do it our own
way," said
Waddoups. "It will make them appear even more out of touch
with the people
of the state."
Waddoups was asked by Sutliff
to revise state law to make churches protected
areas where guns are unwelcome. The senator declined.
Waddoups has said that
although he agrees that a church is no place for a
gun, he also believes people have the Second Amendment right
to protect
themselves. Churches would therefore have to provide the
public with
security protections if legally defined as protected spaces
like courts or
Sen. Karen Hale, D-Salt Lake,
told the Deseret Morning News earlier this
week she is working on a bill to do so that would likely be
introduced later
this legislative session.
Sutliff said Friday she is
pleased with the LDS Church statement. She said
she believes LDS leadership decided to go public with a
statement in part
because the church had a hand in drafting the 2003
registration legislation
and could not in good conscience then oppose it. LDS leaders
usually refrain
from commenting on any matters of legislation unless they
consider the issue
one of morality.
"I don't think it hurts us in
terms of what we are trying to do," said
Sutliff. "It backs up our point that guns don't belong in
churches. I don't
see this as a bad thing."
Nor is it a new stance for LDS
leadership, which issued its first statement
to that effect in 1996, in the wake of a different gun
debate on Capitol
"Churches are dedicated for
the worship of God and as havens from the cares
and concerns of the world," the 1996 statement read. "The
carrying of lethal
weapons, concealed or otherwise, within their walls is
inappropriate, except
as required by officers of the law."
Friday's statement included
some nearly identical language but stressed that
it relates only to the issue of weapons and houses of
worship and not other
frequently debated gun issues such as guns in schools or
other public
Legislative leadership also
expressed positive reactions to the church
statement. Senate President Al Mansell, R-Sandy, who in
December expressed
disappointment that other churches would opt to ignore state
law, said he
was pleased that the LDS Church had opted for compliance.
"I feel like they have made
the right decision. Anytime you don't like a
law, the obligation isn't to disobey it but to get it
changed," said
"LDS bar guns at church: First Presidency will follow law
and register prohibition," Jennifer Dobner, Deseret
News, 1/24/04.

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